DotA 6.81b AI Map - Unofficial AI by James Druid

DotA 6.81b AI Unofficial - Translated from Chinese version into English by James Druid

Known Bugs:
  • Keeper of the light's ultimate skill gets stuck (Is also buggy) when carrying aghanim's
  • Revenge aura of Vengeful Spirit is visible on the ability list of the carrier(The one who killed Venge) causing some skills to be pushed out and be unusable.
  • Ogre Magi's Unrefined Fireblast doesn't cooldown
  • Jakiro's Liquid Fire skill description is not translated
  • Keeper of the light's ultimate skill research tip is not translated
  • Icarus Fire spirits are not slowing units
  • Pandaren's critical is buggy
  • Rikimaru's ulti icon and tooltip missing
  • Save File cannot be loaded

DotA 6.81b AI Map Download:
DotA v6.81b AI Eng.w3x (via